If you have questions about God and the Bible…
I used to go to church, and I still believe in Jesus and that I am a Christian. But I have drifted into doing some things that I know I should not be doing. How can I keep from messing up my life all the time?
Question: I used to go to church, and I still believe in Jesus and that I am a Christian. But I have drifted into doing
What exactly does the Bible commandment mean not to take God’s name “in vain”?
Question: What exactly does the Bible commandment mean not to take God’s name “in vain”? Answer: The third commandment that God gave to Moses to
Should parents take children to church or just allow them to make the decision to attend when they are older?
Question: Should parents take children to church or just allow them to make the decision to attend when they are older? Answer: Attention, parents! The
Is Jesus just one of the paths to get to heaven?
Question: Is Jesus just one of the paths to get to heaven? Answer: The people of the many religions of the world are hoping that
I don’t feel as confident as other people seem to be about whether God will allow me into heaven when I die. Is it possible to be sure that I am a Christian?
Question: I don’t feel as confident as other people seem to be about whether God will allow me into heaven when I die. Is it
I am very comfortable with watching church services from home. Do I have to attend church in person to remain a Christian?
Answer: First, understand something extremely important. When you asked Jesus Christ into your life to be your Savior, you will ALWAYS be a Christian! FOREVER.
Won’t people from any religion go to heaven after death if they have been sincere in their own beliefs on earth?
Question: Won’t people from any religion go to heaven after death if they have been sincere in their own beliefs on earth? Answer: The idea
My family is traumatized because of the sudden deaths of several relatives, and now my parents are getting a divorce. Why does God allow all of this to happen in a Christian family?
Question: My family is traumatized because of the sudden deaths of several relatives, and now my parents are getting a divorce. Why does God allow
Why should I pray to God when it doesn’t do any good?
Question: Why should I pray to God when it doesn’t do any good? Answer: It sounds like you didn’t receive an answer you were hoping
Why doesn’t God do something to stop the terrible suffering of people? Doesn’t He hear prayers anymore?
Question: Why doesn’t God do something to stop the terrible suffering of people? Doesn’t He hear prayers anymore? Answer: God DOES act to relieve suffering,
What exactly is meditation? Is it something Christians should do or avoid?
Question: What exactly is meditation? Is it something Christians should do or avoid? Answer: The Bible speaks of meditation as important – even vital –
What does the Bible say about the Antichrist? Could he be one of our world leaders today?
Question: What does the Bible say about the Antichrist? Could he be one of our world leaders today? Answer: The term anti-christ is used for
Should I pray for people who have died so God will allow them to enter heaven?
Question: Should I pray for people who have died so God will allow them to enter heaven? Answer: God’s infallible guidebook for us, the Bible,
What should Christians do about Halloween?
Question: What should Christians should do about Halloween? Answer: Those of us who are Christian parents struggle with whether to allow our children to take
Doesn’t the Bible have errors due to translations over the years? How can we know what is truly God’s instruction for us?
Question: Doesn’t the Bible have errors due to translations over the years? How can we know what is truly God’s instruction for us? Answer: This
Does God expect us to forgive and forget when people treat us wrongly?
Question: Does God expect us to forgive and forget when people treat us wrongly? Answer: An expression we hear often is to “forgive and forget”.
Can a person wait until he is on his deathbed to accept Jesus and go to heaven? If so, is this fair to other Christians?
Question: Can a person wait until he is on his deathbed to accept Jesus and go to heaven? If so, is this fair to other
How can I know whether a church is teaching the Bible’s truths and not people’s opinions?
Question: How can I know whether a church is teaching the Bible’s truths and not people’s opinions? Answer: In this day of many churches conforming
Why would God love me when I have never done anything great but only make mistakes in my life?
Question: Why would God love me when I have never done anything great but only make mistakes in my life? Answer: You are right that
Why do Christians believe they are the only ones in the world going to heaven? I am a good person, and I believe that God will allow me into heaven when I die.
Question: Why do Christians believe they are the only ones in the world going to heaven? I am a good person, and I believe that
Does God consider a baby a person when first conceived or when he or she leaves the mother’s womb?
Question: Does God consider a baby a person when first conceived or when he or she leaves the mother’s womb? Answer: The Bible has much
Am I not really a Christian if I still have doubts about God and heaven?
Question: Am I not really a Christian if I still have doubts about God and heaven? Answer: It’s important to understand that if you have
Must I keep confessing my sins daily to God so I can be admitted to heaven? I don’t want to die unforgiven.
Question: Must I keep confessing my sins daily to God so I can be admitted to heaven? I don’t want to die unforgiven. Answer: When
Why are there so many different types of Christian churches? Is there one denomination that is the true one?
Question: Why are there so many different types of Christian churches? Is there one denomination that is the true one? Answer: Christians are followers of
What should I consider in selecting a church to join?
Question: What should I consider in selecting a church to join? Answer: People look for many different things in a church. Each person has different
Does God still speak to people like He did in the Bible?
Question: Does God still speak to people like He did in the Bible? Answer: Yes, He certainly does! Sometimes, we don’t recognize His answers. In
Is it true that Jesus “chose” to die on a cross? I thought the Jews and Romans killed Him.
Question: Is it true that Jesus “chose” to die on a cross? I thought the Jews and Romans killed Him. Answer: It’s difficult for us
Are there false forms of Christianity? Is every group calling itself a church still part of the Christian religion?
Question: Are there false forms of Christianity? Is every group calling itself a church still part of the Christian religion? Answer: True Christianity, or faith
I get discouraged when I think of trying to be good enough to become a Christian. How could I lead a perfect life like people in the Bible?
Question: I get discouraged when I think of trying to be good enough to become a Christian. How could I lead a perfect life like
What exactly does it mean to “be saved” by accepting Jesus and His “Gospel”? Is this the only way to heaven after death?
Question: What exactly does it mean to “be saved” by accepting Jesus and His “Gospel”? Is this the only way to heaven after death? Answer:
Is someone a real Christian when he obeys the Ten Commandments?
Question: Is someone a real Christian when he obeys the Ten Commandments? Answer: Many have wondered, am I a true Christian when I follow all
What is the difference between the teachings of the Christian church and a false religion, like a cult?
Question: What is the difference between the teachings of the Christian church and a false religion, like a cult? Answer: Christianity’s principles are those that
Can we know anything about God?
Question: Can we know anything about God? Answer: Absolutely! If God didn’t intend for us to get to know Him and His plans for the
Is it possible to not be afraid of death? What happens as soon as I die?
Question: Is it possible to not be afraid of death? What happens as soon as I die? Answer: Yes, when you are a Christian, there’s
What is meant by the expression that Christians are “light”?
Question: What is meant by the expression that Christians are “light”? Answer: The men who God inspired to write the Bible said a great deal
What does it mean to have a “relationship” with God? How is this possible?
Answer: To have a relationship with Jesus or God is the same as “walking with God”, which means having daily communication with the Creator of
How does someone become a Christian?
Answer: Often we ask, what evidence reveals that you are a Christian? Is it being born into a Christian family, attending church, having Christian friends,
What happens to us as soon as we die?
Question: What happens to us as soon as we die? Answer: The Bible has plenty to say about death and the eternal part of a
Will giving to the poor help me to be admitted into heaven?
Question: Will giving to the poor help me to be admitted into heaven? Answer: While serving others is what God definitely calls us to do
Are astrology and horoscopes forbidden for Christians?
Question: Are astrology and horoscopes forbidden for Christians? Answer: Horoscopes are in magazines and newspapers, but most people today may access the so-called “predictions” online.
Does the Bible tell the future?
Question: Does the Bible tell the future? Answer: We take in a lot of information each day, thanks to the Internet. We access topics and
Why do we feel depressed during holidays that should be happy times?
Question: Why do we feel depressed during holidays that should be happy times? Answer: Many people suffer greatly from feelings of hopelessness and loneliness, especially
Is there any way I can be sure that I will go to heaven when I die?
Question: Is there any way I can be sure that I will go to heaven when I die? Answer: Yes, absolutely! The Bible, God’s words
Will we receive rewards in heaven?
Question: Will we receive rewards in heaven? Answer: Christians often ask whether the Bible gives any details about rewards in heaven, while they are in
How should people talk to God? Is there a right way to pray?
Question: How should people talk to God? Is there a right way to pray? Answer: Talking to God, praying silently or out loud, is how
I am a Christian but still make mistakes. Might God block me from entering heaven?
Question: I am a Christian but still make mistakes. Might God block me from entering heaven? Answer: There is only one reason a person is
What is most important to accomplish for God while I am living this life on earth?
Question: What is most important to accomplish for God while I am living this life on earth? Answer: People believe they must do great works
Why did God place me in this life? Is it my only chance to live on the earth?
Question: Why did God place me in this life? Is it my only chance to live on the earth? Answer: This life is a one-time
Who or what is the Holy Spirit?
Question: Who or what is the Holy Spirit? Answer: The Bible refers to the Holy Spirit as the “Spirit of God”, “Holy Ghost”, and “The
Is there any proof that Jesus rose from the dead? Where is Jesus now?
Question: Is there any proof that Jesus rose from the dead? Where is Jesus now? Answer: The resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead is
Will God do anything for Christians when they pray?
Question: Will God do anything for Christians when they pray? Answer: “For everyone who asks receives…What man is there among you who, if his son
What does God say about worry, fear, and anxiety? What can we do?
Question: What does God say about worry, fear, and anxiety? What can we do? Answer: The Bible says much about worrying and being afraid. In
Must I develop great faith first for God to answer my prayers and heal me?
Question: Must I develop great faith first for God to answer my prayers and heal me? Answer: God always keeps His promises, and the Bible
Does Hell really exist? Why did a loving God create such a place?
Question: Does Hell really exist? Why did a loving God create such a place? Answer: Jesus explained that Hell, the “everlasting fire”, is a place
Is it true that God won’t give you more than you can handle?
Question: Is it true that God won’t give you more than you can handle? Answer: The passage from the Bible you are referring to is
Several friends shared their opinions with me regarding a decision I need to make. Does God send messages to us through others?
Question: Several friends shared their opinions with me regarding a decision I need to make. Does God send messages to us through others? Answer: You
Will people in the world who have never heard of God or Jesus be allowed to go to heaven?
Question: Will people in the world who have never heard of God or Jesus be allowed to go to heaven? Answer: This is one of
We try for years to get a good paying job so we can earn well. Did Jesus say that it’s wrong to desire a lot of money?
Question: We try for years to get a good paying job so we can earn well. Did Jesus say that it’s wrong to desire a
Can God, the angels, and the devil all hear what I’m thinking? If God already hears what I’m worried about, do I need to pray?
Question: Can God, the angels, and the devil all hear what I’m thinking? If God already hears what I’m worried about, do I need to
Many churches are welcoming homosexuals to attend services. Shouldn’t we only invite people who are living the way God wants them to live?
Question: Many churches today are welcoming homosexuals who want to attend their services. Shouldn’t we only invite people who are living the way God wants
Why has God not heard my prayers and healed me?
Question: I have been praying for healing, and God has not answered my prayers yet. Could it be because of something wrong I have done?
Why do the Jews not celebrate Christmas or believe Jesus really existed?
Question: Why do the Jews not celebrate Christmas? Don’t we worship the same God of the Old and New Testaments? Do they not believe that
Does God send tornadoes, hurricanes, and earthquakes as punishments to evildoers in the world?
Question: Does God send tornadoes, hurricanes, and earthquakes as punishments to evildoers in the world? Answer: After such tragedies, we ask, why? Only God Himself
Does God weigh the good and the bad I’ve done to decide whether I get into heaven?
Question: Does God weigh the good vs. the bad I’ve done to decide whether I get into heaven? Answer: You may be pretty sure that
Why does God allow so much evil in the world?
Answer: God is the Creator of all things. God knows all and sees all. Nothing escapes His notice and grasp! Nothing and no one takes
Do Jews and Christians worship the same God?
Question: Don’t Christians and Jews worship the same God of the Old and New Testaments? Do Jews not believe that Jesus ever existed? ************************************ Answer:
Why does God allow bad people to succeed so much?
Question: Why do good things seem to happen to bad people? Shouldn’t God make bad things happen to those who continue to do evil so
I’m a Christian but have drifted into doing bad things. How can I stop messing up my life?
Question: I used to go to church, and I still believe in Jesus and that I’m a Christian. But I’ve drifted into doing some things
Will I go to heaven even though my motive for praying to Jesus is wrong? I don’t want to go to hell.
Question: Will God accept me into heaven even though my motive for becoming a Christian seems wrong? I just don’t want to die and go
How do I know that the Bible is really from God and not just men’s opinions?
Question: I would like to know all that I possibly can about God. How do I know that the Bible is true and not just
How can I feel more peace in my life?
Question: Aren’t Christians supposed to be totally at peace in their lives? I know many Christians, and they worry about things all the time. Answer:
Was Jesus really God Himself?
Question: Was Jesus really God Himself? Some people say that Jesus never claimed to be God. Don’t some religions teach that Jesus was only a
Do people sleep in the grave when they die? Or do they go right to heaven or hell?
Question: Does the Bible say that people sleep in the grave when they die? If so, when do people wake up and go to heaven?
Is heaven big enough for everyone?
Question: How can there possibly be enough room in heaven for everyone in all of history who wanted to be there? Answer: We humans think in
What does God consider to be the worst sin?
Question: Is homosexuality the worst sin? Are people really born that way, and if so, how can they help but act in that way? Answer:
How can I tell if God is really speaking to my mind or whether I’m hearing my own emotions?
Question: I’ve heard that I’m supposed to ask God for help before making important decisions. How can I tell if God is really speaking to
Does the Bible advise us in any way about voting for people in elections?
Question: Does the Bible advise us in any way about voting for people in elections? Answer: Even though the Bible doesn’t refer to elections as
How can I be sure that God has really forgiven me of the wrong things I’ve done?
Question: How do I know that God has really forgiven me of the wrong things I’ve done? I ask Him for forgiveness every time I
Is there any proof that Jesus was resurrected from the dead? Where is Jesus now?
Question: Is there any proof that Jesus was resurrected from the dead? Where is Jesus now? Answer: The resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead
Will gay and lesbian people go to heaven?
Question: Will gay and lesbian people go to heaven? How could a loving God send them to hell if they might have been born that
What is the most important thing to know about God?
Question: What is the most important thing to know about God? Does the Bible tell what God is like? Answer: The most important truth God
Why did God not heal someone after I prayed?
Question: I prayed that God would heal my grandmother, but He didn’t. She died. Should I have prayed more? Does God only grant the wishes
Do miracles still happen today like in the Bible?
Question: Do miracles still happen today like in the Bible? Answer: God always hears our prayers when we ask for His help. Does He give
Do other religions not believe that Jesus ever existed?
Question: What do other religions believe about Jesus? Do they not believe that Jesus ever existed? Answer: Few teachers of other world religions deny that
Is it true that Christians are being killed today for their religious faith?
Question: I have heard that Christians are being killed because of their religious faith! How can that be true today in these modern times? Answer:
Does God tempt me to see if I’m good enough to go to heaven?
Question: Does God tempt me to do wrong just to test me? Is that how He decides whether I’m good enough to go to heaven?
Is Israel still God’s chosen people?
Answer: The answer to both questions is yes! Israel is still God’s chosen people, and all Christians, or followers of the Jewish Messiah Jesus, are
I thought that since I’m now a Christian, I wouldn’t have these problems anymore!
Question: I know that I am a Christian, but I still feel down sometimes and have to deal with many problems in my family and
Is it possible that I have lived another life on earth before this one?
Question: Is it possible that I have lived another life on earth before this one? Could God keep sending me back as different people to
What is the worst sin? Murder? Adultery? Stealing?
Answer: The Bible says that all sin is sin to God! You may be surprised to read what King Solomon listed first: These six things
Does the Bible say when Jesus is supposed to come back?
Question: Are we seeing the signs of the end of the world? Does the Bible say when Jesus is supposed to come back? Answer: The
Does the Bible say that all people will wind up in heaven when they die?
Question: I hear celebrities and other popular public figures say they believe all people will wind up in heaven when they die. Is this what
Are we seeing the signs of the end of the world? Will Jesus come back then?
Question: Are we seeing the signs of the end of the world? Does the Bible say when Jesus is supposed to come back? Answer: The
Does the Bible tell us that God approves of all religions and are accepted by Him?
Question: Some people today accuse Christians of being intolerant of their actions and beliefs, but aren’t Christians supposed to stand up for how the Bible
Do Christians have to give God some of the money we earn? Will He punish us if we don’t?
Question: Do Christians have to give God some of the money we earn? Will He punish us if we don’t? Answer: Your question reveals our
Elections- Vote and Trust God
Question: I am so worried about how the upcoming election will turn out. What if a person gets elected who doesn’t care about Christians and
Is it true that those who commit suicide can’t go to heaven?
Question:Does the Bible say anything about suicide? Is it true that a person who takes his own life has no chance for going to heaven?
Can I be sure that God has forgiven me?
Question: How do I know that God has really forgiven me of the wrong things I’ve done? I ask Him for forgiveness every time I
Does God know everything going on in my life right now?
Question: I don’t know much about the Bible, but I do believe there is a God and that Jesus really existed. Does the Bible say
I don’t ask God to help with my little problems. Should I?
Question: I believe in God, but I don’t think of Him as a being who cares about my personal problems. I think He’s working on
Why do we only turn to God when we’re in trouble?
Question: When I’m in trouble, I know to turn to Jesus for help. I’ve done this before, and He answers me immediately! But when the
Is it true Jesus won’t accept me if I don’t forgive people?
Question: Does the Bible really say that Jesus won’t forgive me of my sins if I refuse to forgive other people? Answer: The Bible does,
Is it wrong to be concerned about having enough money for the future?
Question: Is it wrong to be concerned about having enough money for the future? Didn’t Jesus say that it’s wrong to want a lot of
How can I convince my friend she won’t go to heaven because of doing good deeds?
Question: I am so saddened about a friend of mine who is not a Christian, and she says that she is not interested in becoming
Is it right to tell a friend that something he’s doing is wrong?
Question: When I told a friend that he was involved in something that God says is wrong, he told me that the Bible says never
God, please rescue me from this depression!
Question: Can God help me with my depression? Does the Bible say anything about this? Answer: The Bible mentions depression in numerous passages, always reassuring
Times are hard! What could God be thinking?
Question: Our family has been through illness and a loss of income during the past year. I’ve gotten a new job that I’m not really
Does God punish us for the sins of our parents?
Question: Does the Bible say that God will punish children because of the sins of their fathers? This doesn’t seem fair. Answer: Many times, ungodly
How can I tell Biblical truth from false teachings?
Question: How can you tell if a preacher on television is really teaching the truth? Is he teaching what the Bible contains or only the
Why do bad things happen to good people?
Question: Why does God allow tragedies to happen to us? Why doesn’t a loving God prevent bad things from happening to good people? Answer: The
Some people claim to be Christians, but they sure don’t act like it. How can they go to heaven when they don’t live the way the Bible says that they should?
Question: Some people claim to be Christians, but they sure don’t act like it. How can they go to heaven when they don’t live the
How can I know that Jesus is coming back to the earth?
Question: How can we be sure that Jesus is coming back to the earth? Do we have any proof that He really will? When will
Is Jesus God?
Question: How can Jesus be both God and God’s Son? Is Jesus God? Does the Bible explain this? Answer: The Trinity – God the Father,