Gardens & More
If you have questions about your garden, this is a great place to start. Have a question? Please contact us and we will do our best to answer it for you!

Your Lawn: Keeping an Eye Out for Trouble
If you’re a recent home buyer, you may not realize that there’s more to maintaining a lawn than just the mowing. Issues arise throughout the

ANTS! Looking for food in all the WRONG places (my house!)
‘Tis the season for ants and other insects to invade our homes in search of a meal. I hate to tell you this, but it

Summer flowers: Help them last the distance until frost
It’s that time of year when a drive past home and garden centers gets my own amateur landscaper’s heart racing! I feel a surge

Your Home Garden: Plan, Trial, Error (Repeat)
Have you planted a garden so you can enjoy delicious, home-grown vegetables and later been terribly disappointed with your slim harvest? Home gardeners make some

Mulch or Pine Straw? The Pros and Cons
New bedding plants are beautiful, even exciting to add to our landscape, but we must remember what sets them off and really makes everything get

Snow and ice: Poor man’s fertilizer?
On a snowy day years ago, my grandfather told me that snow and ice were actually good for the soil. I wondered – could there