Who or what is the Holy Spirit?

Question:  Who or what is the Holy Spirit? Answer: The Bible refers to the Holy Spirit as the “Spirit of God”, “Holy Ghost”, and “The Spirit”.  Jesus explained that the Holy Spirit is a person, one of the three parts of God: Father (God), Son (Jesus), and Holy Spirit. Unlike Jesus Christ, neither God nor […]

Is there any proof that Jesus rose from the dead? Where is Jesus now?

Question:  Is there any proof that Jesus rose from the dead?  Where is Jesus now? Answer:  The resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead is the central focus of the Christian faith, and many of the witnesses to that fact were tortured and died while proclaiming that it really was true!  The fact of the […]

Will God do anything for Christians when they pray?

Question: Will God do anything for Christians when they pray? Answer: “For everyone who asks receives…What man is there among you who, if his son asks for bread, will give him a rock? Or if he asks for a fish, will he give him a snake? If you, then, being evil, know how to give […]

What does God say about worry, fear, and anxiety?  What can we do?

Question:  What does God say about worry, fear, and anxiety?  What can we do? Answer:  The Bible says much about worrying and being afraid.  In it, we read that Jesus taught us not to worry.  It is alright to be concerned about a present situation and take appropriate action to avoid problems.  Concern often has […]

Must I develop great faith first for God to answer my prayers and heal me?

Question: Must I develop great faith first for God to answer my prayers and heal me?  Answer:  God always keeps His promises, and the Bible says He hears the prayers of all people and responds according to His will for their lives.  In James 5:16, the apostle Paul writes that prayer is very important:  Confess […]

Does Hell really exist? Why did a loving God create such a place?

Question:  Does Hell really exist? Why did a loving God create such a place? Answer:  Jesus explained that Hell, the “everlasting fire”, is a place God created for the devil and the angels who were cast from Heaven with him because they disobeyed God (Matthew 25:41) The Bible shows that, long ago, Lucifer, known to […]

Is it true that God won’t give you more than you can handle?

Question:  Is it true that God won’t give you more than you can handle? Answer:  The passage from the Bible you are referring to is often misquoted and, therefore, greatly misunderstood!People share those ideas from an earnest desire to comfort others who have suffered painful losses, such as the death of a loved one, the […]


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