How does someone become a Christian?

Answer: Often we ask, what evidence reveals that you are a Christian? Is it being born into a Christian family, attending church, having Christian friends, giving money to the church and charitable organizations, teaching Sunday school or Bible studies, going on mission trips to help others, or knowing what the Bible teaches? The answer may […]

What happens to us as soon as we die?

Question: What happens to us as soon as we die? Answer: The Bible has plenty to say about death and the eternal part of a person, the soul, that continues.  One of the most wonderful passages in the Bible is when Jesus was teaching about the death of a poor man named Lazarus. In this […]

Will giving to the poor help me to be admitted into heaven?

Question: Will giving to the poor help me to be admitted into heaven? Answer: While serving others is what God definitely calls us to do during this earthly life, there is no charity work that causes God to grant us permission to enter heaven! Eternity with God is not bought by us and our work, […]

Are astrology and horoscopes forbidden for Christians?

Question: Are astrology and horoscopes forbidden for Christians? Answer: Horoscopes are in magazines and newspapers, but most people today may access the predictions online. They may seem harmless, but are they? The Bible, God’s guidebook for our lives, warns on this topic. Astrology is an ancient belief that the movement of the sun, moon, stars, […]

Does the Bible tell the future?

Question:  Does the Bible tell the future? Answer:  We take in a lot of information each day, thanks to the Internet. We access topics and news faster than has ever been possible, in fact, at nearly lightning speeds! Did you know that the Bible told us this would happen? “But you, Daniel, shut up the […]

Why do we feel depressed during holidays that should be happy times?

Question:  Why do we feel depressed during holidays that should be happy times?  Answer:  Many people suffer greatly from feelings of hopelessness and loneliness, especially during the holidays. They grieve for loved ones who have died, experience sadness for friends who are suffering in some way, long for happier times enjoyed in the past, or […]

Is there any way I can be sure that I will go to heaven when I die?

Question:  Is there any way I can be sure that I will go to heaven when I die?  Answer:  Yes, absolutely!  The Bible, God’s words of truth to us, assures us of His eternal salvation He offers for our souls. The soul is the part of us He created to live on forever, even after […]

Will we receive rewards in heaven?

Question:  Will we receive rewards in heaven? Answer:  Christians often ask whether the Bible gives any details about rewards in heaven, while they are in the eternal state of life.  The main reason for the question is that people wish to know how to make sure those rewards will be waiting on them, too!  When […]

How should people talk to God? Is there a right way to pray?

Question: How should people talk to God? Is there a right way to pray? Answer:  Talking to God, praying silently or out loud, is how our friendship with Him grows stronger.  That’s extremely important, because He wants a relationship, a friendship, more than anything else from you!  It’s not about your money or your time […]


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