Does God tempt me to see if I’m good enough to go to heaven?

Question: Does God tempt me to do wrong just to test me? Is that how He decides whether I’m good enough to go to heaven? Answer:  The Bible tells us that God Himself never tempts us to disobey. We do a great job of deciding to disobey all by ourselves! Let no man say, “I […]

Is Israel still God’s chosen people?

Answer:  The answer to both questions is yes! Israel is still God’s chosen people, and all Christians, or followers of the Jewish Messiah Jesus, are also His people. The important truth to remember is that Christians didn’t replace the Jews but were added into the family of God.  There are many Bible references to confirm […]

Is it possible that I have lived another life on earth before this one?

Question:  Is it possible that I have lived another life on earth before this one? Could God keep sending me back as different people to live life over again and again until I finally get it right? Answer:  The idea of living multiple lives is called reincarnation. Hinduism, Buddhism, Scientology, and Transcendentalism all teach this […]

What is the worst sin? Murder? Adultery? Stealing?

Answer: The Bible says that all sin is sin to God! You may be surprised to read what King Solomon listed first: These six things the Lord hates. Yes, seven are horrible to Him: A proud look, a lying tongue, hands that kill the innocent, a heart that makes evil plans, feet that run quickly […]

Does the Bible say when Jesus is supposed to come back?

Question:  Are we seeing the signs of the end of the world?  Does the Bible say when Jesus is supposed to come back? Answer:  The Bible reveals that the earth will not always exist as it does now, and Jesus will come back one day in the future to judge those who remain and begin […]

Does the Bible say that all people will wind up in heaven when they die?

Question:  I hear celebrities and other popular public figures say they believe all people will wind up in heaven when they die.  Is this what the Bible teaches? Answer:  Many people don’t even know what the Bible teaches because they have not read and followed God’s guidebook for life.  They rely instead on what others […]

Does the Bible tell us that God approves of all religions and are accepted by Him?

Question:  Some people today accuse Christians of being intolerant of their actions and beliefs, but aren’t Christians supposed to stand up for how the Bible teaches us to live?  Does the Bible tell us that God approves of all religions, and that they are correct and are acceptable to Him? Answer:  The term tolerance is […]


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