Christmas Pack- 4 Pack


Designed for Christmas note writing, these 4 x 5.5″ single, double-sided cards have just enough room on the reverse sides for brief messages of welcome, best wishes, or gratitude.

Christmas Pack- 4 Pack

Category Tag


A total of four of these beautiful note cards arrive in a clear package, adorned with a red or green bow. Two of each of the two designs are included.  What thoughtful hostess gifts to leave with friends during parties, open houses, and dinners!  Designed for Christmas note writing, these 4 x 5.5″ single, double-sided cards have just enough room on the reverse sides for brief messages of welcome, best wishes, or gratitude. The photos taken on a snowy lawn in front of holly trees feature two timeless garden benches decorated with Christmas wreaths. The card edges are gently chiseled and rounded for a festive effect. Personalize these as invitations to holiday gatherings or use as Christmas gift tags with your hand-written messages!  As with all of our card products, high-quality white envelopes are included at no extra charge.


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Weight 1 lbs

Should parents take children to church or just allow them to make the decision to attend when they are older?

Question: Should parents take children to church or just allow them to make the decision to attend when they are older? Answer: Attention, parents! The Bible warns that God holds parents fully accountable for their children’s spiritual instruction and guidance. For many families, most of this happens at church. Parents who neglect this do so at their own peril. Not only will God deal with parental disobedience in this area, but parents will suffer terribly as their children mature, as they realize that their own bad choices caused much suffering and spiritual death for their dear loved ones. If you

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I don’t feel as confident as other people seem to be about whether God will allow me into heaven when I die. Is it possible to be sure that I am a Christian?

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I am very comfortable with watching church services from home. Do I have to attend church in person to remain a Christian?

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My family is traumatized because of the sudden deaths of several relatives, and now my parents are getting a divorce. Why does God allow all of this to happen in a Christian family?

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What exactly is meditation? Is it something Christians should do or avoid?

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